Our Educator teams are implementing changes to the procedure, practice and format of curriculum programming for our children. We have recently undertaken training in emergent curriculum and believe it is a great way for the children to be more involved in their learning. We will continue to use the Early Years Learning Framework (EYLF) and National standards to guide our practices, principles, outcomes and expectations of children’s learning and we will also be using emergent curriculum to form an inquiry/question of what the children are doing, what is recurring, what’s relevant and what the children are persistently curious about.
You will notice a slight difference in the model of our program as emergent curriculum is communicated through an illustrated web (mind map) of learning areas and experiences possible for the children. It shows the different directions our learning can take, that lead to a vast array of developmental areas over a long period of time.
Using this emergent planning, educators begin to uncover the children’s thinking, intentions, understandings or misunderstandings. On follow up reflection, educators discuss what they see and then look for meaning, intentions and possible explorations within it.
We hope you find our new programming model interesting. Please feel free to see the educators with your feedback about your child’s learning.