With all the building works now complete in the kindy room, we are enjoying our new bi-fold doors and the fresh air they provide. With the lovely weather we have been experiencing, we have made the use of these doors to have indoor or veranda activities simultaneously. The children have quickly adjusted to our new transitioning.
Recently we emailed all Minbalup parents with a list of dates for walks and planned experiences. The lovely Autumn weather has been great for our walks to the oval. There is always great excitement when we go. Lots of discussions along the way, looking left, right, and left again for cars and waiting. Observing birds in the trees and the wonderful wide open space of the oval. Sometimes we take balls and frisbees and other times we just run from one side to the other; jumping like kangaroos, galloping like horses and generally being active!
This year we have also continued our visits to the library, where we enjoy listening to many different stories. We’re quickly learning the Welcome Song, Bread and Butter and the Goodbye Song.
We are still developing our skills in the emergent curriculum. This season we are focusing on well-being. We have some cooking experiences planned—Anzac Biscuits, Pancakes and Scones and discussing healthy eating using the children’s ideas to help planning with our program.
Taking Care of our Garden
Our vegetable garden is coming to the end of the season. We have picked cucumbers, tomatoes and zucchinis. Soon we will begin to pull out old dying plants, replant into bigger pots and reseed for a new winter crop. We have had good success with broad beans in the past and the children have enjoyed picking the beans and eating them fresh from the bush…yum! We are always on the lookout for donations, if you have large tubs or pots that you no longer use, we would be very grateful to have them. The children would love to have new pots for us to transplant cuttings / seedlings or seeds. Donations of cuttings or seeds are also always appreciated. If donating cuttings or plants, please remember to check that leaves and flowers are not poisonous. We have a register at the centre or you can look them up online.
From the Kindy team, Agnes, Erin, Julie, Belinda, Jess and Carmen