NAIDOC Week 8th-15th July

NAIDOC Week 8th-15th July


In celebration of NAIDOC week, the Kiah room children listened to Aboriginal music, read books, looked at pictures and did some painting in the colours of the Torres Strait Islander flag. We include the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander cultures into our daily experiences and our program as it is important that we acknowledge these cultures.
Practice: Educators recognise that diversity contributes to the richness of our society and provides a valid evidence base about ways of knowing. For Australia it also includes promoting greater understanding of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander ways of knowing and being” – Belonging, Being and Becoming.
Have a peek at the painting that some of the infants did, located in the corridor at our service. We look forward to sharing some more exciting events coming up with you real soon!


In the Quindalup room we support and embrace cultural diversity. In celebration of NAIDOC week, the Quindalup Toddler children listened to Koori Kids music and participated in open-ended painting in the traditional colours of the Aboriginal flag.
We include Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander resources such as books and posters into our program so that the children develop an understanding of Indigenous Australia.


In the Minbalup room we celebrated with Aboriginal stories and songs and listening to Islander music at relaxation time. Children are involved in our Kaurna song at the beginning of the day. We looked at the map of Australia and the Aboriginal flag, and acknowledge the Kaurna people as the traditional custodians of the Adelaide Plains area.

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